I met Renee and Ryan at the Art Institute South Gardens for their engagement photos! It was a beautiful sunny day! The gardens are always a really stunning location for photos! I love the way the light trickles into the space. After we took photos in the garden we walked over to Ida B Wells Drive and took photos in one of my favorite locations. It has a beautiful understated view of the city and a lovely walkway to get a variety of photos!
Renee and Ryan met at lifeguard camp by doing ice breakers. They were throwing around a rubber chicken to get to know each other. Ryan threw the Rubber chicken to Renee calling “hey It Must Be Love Girl,” (the t-shirt she had on). They got along really well but the timing wasn’t right.
Then just like a romantic comedy several years later they ran into each other at the Salvation Army and Renee was so surprised she ran off and almost ran into his mom. His mom said hi to her but Renee was completely startled. She hid in a different area, but her younger sister kept calling her name. When she went home she messaged Ryan on FB saying she thought she saw him, but wasn’t sure without her glasses. They started started talking and the rest was history.
If you’re looking for your engagement photographer reach out to see if I’m available!

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Reach out to see if I’m still available for your wedding date!