3 Tips for Looking Fabulous in a Glamour Photo Shoot :: Chicago Portrait Photographer

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Chicago Portraits

Three Tips on how to look FabulousinDo you want to look fabulous the next time you’re photographed?  Of course you do.  Let’s be real honest no one wants to look bad in a photo.

We all start out with the same intentions, but it can get a little lost in the process. Glamour photo shoots are a girls dream…if I do say so myself.

It’s a morning of pampering with beautiful images taken and when you’re done you look fabulous. So of course you totally deserve a night out!

A day of glam is what every girl should do for herself at least once of year. Through in some friends and it’s a total girls day.

My favorite part is brainstorming and planning outfits. I think it is so much fun to try different outfits and play with different styles that make you feel amazing!

Here are three things to keep in mind when thinking about your styled shoot.

3 Fabulous Glamour Wardrobe Styling Tips

1.  Think about how you want to feel in your photos. I think this is super important. While you might be thinking it’s pretty obvious it can be over looked. If you looking for a more sensual look in your photos than you’re going to pick clothes that have a little more sex appeal. If you’re going for a more playful look maybe you’ll pick a dress or skirt that you can play with during the shoot.

2.  Pick great accessories but don’t go overboard! The photos look even more pulled together when you pull in the perfect hat or necklace. However when you start wearing a hat, a big chunky necklace, a scarf, etc. then it can be a bit much. You want to pick items that accentuate your outfit and how you want to feel in your photos.

3.  Pick clothes you feel amazing in but don’t be afraid to try something new! You’re going to have a few outfit changes it’s ok to pick something that you’re not sure about but feel completely drawn to sometimes that’s the exact out you feel the best in. You never know until you try it out.

Bonus: #4 HAVE FUN with it!


