5 Ways to Indulge Yourself :: Chicago Area Photographer

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5 Ways (4)I love Halloween time and the crispness of fall. OR freeze if you’re in Chicago. People start to decorate their homes and get ready for the holiday season.

It’s great how the year winds down with so many treats!

In honor of this treatable time I thought I’d share a few ways to indulge and show yourself some love!  I think it’s so important to indulge yourself in a little me time.  Any day is great day to spend loving on yourself.  Too often days go by and we get bogged down in the day to day.

5 Ways to Indulge Yourself

1. Treat yourself to a fantastic piece of dark chocolate and savor it slowly. There is nothing like a good piece of chocolate! Except for maybe…

2. Have a tantalizing glass of wine. Sip a wonderful glass of wine in the afternoon, or evening.

3. Take a bubble bath in the middle of the day. Sometimes it’s nice to just soak!

4. Give yourself a makeover.  Try on a new lipstick you wouldn’t normally use or try a great new eye shadow.

5. Have a spa day! Pamper yourself diy-style or go to a spa. It doesn’t matter just treat yourself!

