Fashion Friday:: What to Wear Fall Comfort Photoshoot

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Chicago Portraits, Wedding Styled Shoot

I absolute adore fall because of all the comfy sweaters I get to wear. It’s one of my favorite seasons for the yummy pumpkin treats and the great fall fashion.  A beautiful crisp day works so well with a little bit of cozy comfort.

When I moved to Chicago around the fall from beautiful Southern California I had no idea what I was in for.  When it came to weather, the Windy City was a rude awakening for me.  I remember many a day looking out my window.  Seeing beautiful rays of light shining and thinking it must be a gorgeous warm day.  I would throw on a t-shirt and jeans and be out the door.  While it was certainly gorgeous I don’t know if I could really call it warm.  I felt like a big old goob before I got the whole dressing for fall thing down.  Now it’s super fun.  Layers.  Sweaters.  Scarfs.  It can be absolutely fun!

I wanted to share a quick idea for a great fall comfort look that would look great in a photo shoot.  Super easy and comfortable.  I think the biggest challenge for finding what to wear for a shoot is finding something you feel great in.  I choose a simple cream sweater with a deep wine color denim which is great for fall.  Some fabulous Gucci sunglasses and adorable half boots which I’m just obsessed with right now.  I am completely loving the half boot this fall.  Enjoy!

Fall Has Arrived


Topshop snug top


Gucci clothing

