My Business Manifesto

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Personal, Creative Business

My business and life manifesto.

I’m a complete sucker for love.  All kinds of love.  A good old fashion love story.  Puppy Love.  Love of friends.  Love of family.  Love of self.  I just want to love people up. I want to be witness to it, a part of it.

I could say I’m quite obsessive about the topic.  Then I decided my photography and business would really be surrounded in this one concept…emotion…feeling.  It’s so uplifting when you truly feel it, experience it, immerse in it.  How could there not be anything but beauty from a business that comes from love, and is grounded in it.  Captures it.  Shares it.

I think in truly experiencing it we are more connected as people, more compassionate, and more honest. In given it we are more fulfilled, better people, and free.  So why wouldn’t I want to surround myself in it?

