Great tools for Planning for the New Year!

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Creative Business

Great tools for Planning for 2015 (1)I love planning and setting goals and dreaming. I love the New Year. Everything feels possible. The year can be whatever you want it to be.

This is exactly what I have been doing this past December. I took time off to really be with family and friends. I spent time planning and preparing for the New Year. What do I want to do? What do I want my business to look like in 2015.

There are so many things I want to do this year and share with you (there will be time for that later).

Since the New Year is right around the corner…um tomorrow.  I thought I would share some of the great planning books I’ve used this month to lay out my plans. I’m so stinkin’ excited for 2015.

The first one is geared towards laying out your plans for your biz and your life. It takes you through reflecting on 2014 and then planning out how you want to make 2015 fabulous.

Leonie Dawson’s Create Your Shining Year


It was so good for me to look at the past year and see what I accomplished. I think we sometimes forget to take into consideration all our wins for the year and this kind of forced me to look back and say what I’m grateful for what I got done.

Then I looked at what I needed to improve and looked and planned how I can make those things better. The rest of the workbooks go through what you want to do for 2015 and some systems you can put in place to get things done.  You can get a copy here.

The second book I spent time in was the Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Her words are like poetry. The book also came with an audio addition and listening to her read is so sensual and intriguing.  I could spend hours listening to the way she speaks.


This book was filled with beautiful exercises that really make you look at what you want to feel in your life and how to make it happen. It was really important to consider the emotions I want to experience for the year because it gives a why to what I want to accomplish.  You can get Danielle’s workbook over here.

I definitely recommend getting either or both workbooks. They were totally worth the time and money spent.




p.s.  Full disclosure I am an affiliate for Leonie Dawson’s workbook, which means I do get a small commission from any sales from the link above.  Even if I wasn’t I would still totally recommend it!




