Love Challenge :: Chicago Photographer

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Untitled designI know I’ve said it before, but I’m kind of a love junkie.  My first choice for movies and books are ones that people consider to be “chick movies” or “chick lit.”  I adore a great love story.

I love the romance and the falling in love!  It just makes my heart flutter.  It’s why photography speaks to my heart.  I get to capture love and connection between a husband wife, a mother and her child, a husband holding his child, and a bride to be staring into the eyes of her fiance.  The beauty of it all moves me.

But the best and most beautiful love story of all is when someone finds self-love because without it you really won’t get a lot done in life.  This is why the 30 Day Love Yourself(ie) Challenge is all about loving yourself.  Check out the video below to find out more about the details.

p.s. If you like this post and want to know all the details of the challenge as they happen.  Go ahead and subscribe to this youtube channel.



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