How My Engagement Story Can Help You Get Ready For A Photo Shoot

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TipsForPhotoShootWhen I got engaged I learned a quick lesson about being photo ready. I thought I should share my story along with some easy tips.
I will always remember the day Efas(pronounced ee-fahs – nickname) proposed. It was a gorgeous day but my story starts before that day. My husband then boyfriend said we should go to the apple orchard. I was definitely excited to go since I love beautiful fall days.
While we were getting ready for the day he suggested I paint my nails. I of course said no I’m not going to waste my time working on my nails. He again tried to gently suggest I give them a quick once over.
I informed him that he needed to stop trying to control me since I’m a strong independent woman and I was now definitely going to pass on painting my nails.  Thank you very much.
Off we went on our adventure. I didn’t give another thought to my nails or his suggestion until after he proposed. I was so excited to share with everyone and certainly show the beautiful ring he picked out. Unfortunately for me my nails looked ridiculous. Oh man the I told you so I got from Efas. I ended up sending photos of my hand with an awkward fist because all the ones with my nails stood out too much.
This is when I learned the key lesson of how simple primping really goes a long way. Photos have a way of magnifying things you don’t want the focus on. The last thing you want is to look at a photo and only see an imperfection.
While it’s important to find a photographer you trust to take amazing photos of you there are some quick and easy things you can do to get ready for a photo shoot.

3 Easy Tips for Getting Ready for a Photo Shoot
1. Get a mani pedi – When nails don’t look clean and groomed for a photo shoot it really sticks out. Hands end up being in photos way more than you think and all you’ll see is that you should have taken off your nail polish!
2. Pick Clothes you feel great in and iron them before the shoot – You should feel comfortable in the clothes you put on. You want to look amazing in the photos and that starts with how you feel in your clothes. When you hire me as your photographer we can chat about outfits and how to put them together for a shoot. Take my advice ironing just makes your clothes look nicer.
3. Trim don’t cut your hair – This one isn’t a hard rule but I think it’s important not to make huge changes right before you get a portrait done because you want to make sure you like how your hair looks. Of course touch up any coloring so you don’t have roots for days.



