How to Get Started with Pinterest to Grow Your Handmade Business

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How to Get Started with Pinterest to Grow Your Handmade Business

Since starting a Pinterest strategy I’ve been able to increase traffic to my blog and website consistently each month.  It’s amazing how having a simple system in place can make things in your business move!


I thought I would share how to get started with Pinterest to grow your handmade business.  If you’re just starting out with Pinterest make sure you get the free checklist to optimize your Pinterest account!



Create a Business Account

Having a Pinterest account is great for fun for dreaming of things like #officegoals or #housegoals.  If you have a business though, you’ll want to have a Pinterest Business account.


This is so important if you want to be able to look at the analytics on your account.  And if you’re running a business you do want to look at your account analytics. You’ll be able to see how your pins are doing, so you can test if your strategy is working.  


You want an effective system!


It’s pretty simple to set up.  You can follow the directions Pinterest has set up here (


If you want to know how to optimize your Pinterest account make sure you grab the free opt-in below.


Create Pinnable Content

Once you have a business account you’ll want to have content to pin.  This can be simple like your shop listings. It’s totally fine put those up, but those are not enough.


You don’t want to limit your pinning to your shop listings.  It can be useful to pin your shop listings, but you want to pin more than just that. You’ll want to create useful content with attractive pins  This is the exact pinnable content I mean.


Create quality blog posts that your customers would love to read.  Then create pins for the post. Pin those new awesome blog post graphics to your Pinterest boards!  If you’ve already read the series for the Ultimate Guide to taking photos, you can use those new great photos to make your pins.  If you’re not sure how to work with your photos then make sure your read this guide too.


Here are some examples of pins:

Decide on fonts and colors that fit your brand.  Create pin templates that you can use make pins for all your posts.



Organize Your Boards

You want to make sure you have boards related to what you sell.  For example if you sell baby bibs in your shop you would want boards related to babies.  You might have a board about Baby Clothes or Baby Accessories. You probably wouldn’t have honeymoon inspiration because that’s not as helpful to your customers.  Make sure you grab the free cheat sheet that will help you organize and optimize your pinterest account.


Join Group Boards

One of the great ways to connect with other businesses on Pinterest is to join group boards.  It is also a great way to have your content seen by more people. Your pins will gain more traction if you’re using Pinterest to your advantage.  Find group boards related to your product niche and join them!



Alright everyone wants to have more time.  So once you start your Pinterest strategy you’re going to want to be able to automate it.  The easiest part of using pinterest is you can use tools to have it run on autopilot for you!


Tailwind is the best tool to help you automate your Pinterest strategy.  It helps you set up a pin library so you can pin to your boards at different times.  You don’t have to spend all the hours on Pinterest and you can free up your time to do other things!  It has definitely become one of my favorite business tools.


*Some affiliate links are present in this post.  I only share products that I really love.*

Learn How to Optimize Your Pinterest Account

Grab the FREE checklist below!


I need it!


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