ImagingUSA 2015 :: Chicago Wedding Photographer

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Creative Business

Early this month I spent a long weekend away from my babies and my hubby working to be even better at what I do. I went to PPA’s Imaging USA, in Nashville, knowing that I wanted to focus on my business.

I love photography.  I love the beauty of portraits, the emotion of captured candids, and the joy of snap shots taken through out life.  BUT a love of photography does not make a business so this is my biggest priority for 2015.  PPA (Professional Photographers of America) provides so much information and support for it’s members but I wanted to expand on this.

So I got myself a fabulous roommate, a photomom friend Ann Marie of Cianne Mitchell Photography, and headed to Country Music Capital of the world.  Now I had every intention of exploring Nashville in between filling my brain up with photo biz knowledge but I lost my coat for part of the time I was down there and missed out.  Lucky for me Ann Marie and I were perfectly capable of keeping ourselves entertained.  We gabbed ourselves to sleep every night.  Also the conference was held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort, which is more of a small town.  You never need to leave.  It so big that I never really caught on to the layout.  I actually got lost every day.  Kind of sad, I know but I’m a photographer not a navigator!

The conference was such a great learning experience.  I completely planned out my game plan before heading down there because I was bound and determined to get the most out of every minute (I’ll definitely write a post in the next couple weeks about getting yourself organized before a conference.  This helped me so much).

I saw some photographers that inspired me (Zabrina Deng and Jeremy Chan of Jeza Photo) they were able to be so creative with really simple equipment.  I think as a professional we get really obsessed with having the best possible gear but it’s really about the skill behind it.

I listened to a husband and wife team former wedding photographers, Zach and Jody, who really know photography and how to create a business that is sustainable!  As a former educator I was completely impressed with presentation I could totally geek and give educational terms for how they presented but instead I’ll just say they did good (haha)!

One of my favorite sessions I listened to was by Julieanne Kost she was just so entertaining.  I was laughing out loud the whole time.  She also knows Lightroom like the back of her hand so definitely someone to check out if you needed to learn ANYTHING about Lightroom!

The best session I saw while there was by Allison Tyler Jones.  She made me cry, laugh, smile, cheer.  Her life story her love of the industry inspired me.  It all really comes down to your why.  There are many photographers in the industry but it’s about the person behind the business really and truly.  I’m sure one of these days I’ll share on these digi pages what’s in my heart, my whole why but for now I’ll leave it at photography brings me so much joy!

I also spent time checking out the tradeshow floor which after I got over how overwhelming it was I really enjoyed checking out the different products!  I have many ideas of how to streamline my product list as well as some gorgeous high quality products that I will be offering.  I also found some cute gift ideas to spoil my clients with, which I love to do!

Here are some photos I took while I was there.  I took myself on a photowalk in between sessions.  I wish I could have seen more of Nashville but this hotel was huge so I had a lot to see.  There was boat tour inside the hotel!  Check out my mini session with the hotel.

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  1. AnnMarie says:

    How did I miss this post? I’m just now seeing it. It was so fun being roomies with you and talking about our goals for our businesses. I never thought I’d meet anyone who can talk as much as me. Hope we get to do it again sometime. Hugs <3

  2. says:

    It was fantastic being your roommie as well! Loved talking goals and biz and life with you ;)

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