7 FREE Resources to Help You Start & Grow Your Handmade Business on Etsy

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Handmade Biz, Creative Business

7 free resources to help you start and grow your handmade business on Etsy

There are so many amazing resources available to help you grow your business.  With the plethora of options, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to do to make an online handmade business work, so I’m making it easy!  I’ve compiled these 7 free resources to help you start and grow your Etsy shop!

Let’s distill it down to seven go to tools and resources you can use to grow your online shop so you’re ready to go and create profits!

The Get Started Guide

Sometimes all you want is to know exactly what to do to get started.  If you feel paralyzed starting your online handmade business, then you need to figure out your next steps.

Maybe you’ve got a great product and you want to know how to have an Etsy shop that kills it!  You’re completely ready to start making sales, as of yesterday!

In Frankie’s free email course, you’ll figure out how to create a niche for your product.   You’ll know exactly how to start your handmade business the right way on Etsy. This way you start making sales from the beginning.  It’s seven days of info that will help you build a profitable shop! Who doesn’t want that?!

Product Photos that Pop

Being able to take product photos that attract is the key to gaining clients in the beginning.  Therefore, you need to learn to take quality product photos from the beginning, so you can grow a successful shop! 

You have seconds to grab potential customers attention.  This, my friend, is exactly why I created a free email course to take you through the steps to creating product photos that attract clients.  

Grab the Free course now and begin captivating your ideal customers!

Create Your Marketing Strategy

If you want to have a marketing strategy in place then getting Morgan Nield’s roadmap is a key way to figure out how to build a strategy that works for your shop.  In other words, she doesn’t leave it just to SEO and hope for the best (it’s important, but not the only thing). She talks strategy that will help you build a sustainable marketing system to grow your business.  

It’s definitely not enough to open shop and hope for the best.  You need to actively market your Etsy shop!

An Ultimate Resource Library

Want to be able to plan your business like a Boss?  Then Tizzit’s resource library is for you my friend!  She has so much in the library like checklists to get started and planner sheets for planning out your shop!  

Grab access to the library and have access to exactly what you need help with now!

Etsy SEO

When you start researching how to get your Etsy shop found SEO comes up time and time again.  In this blog post Elissa breaks down exactly how to create titles for your listings that gain traction for your shop!

She also has an SEO checklist available so you know the exact things you need to do to make sure your listings Etsy SEO ready! Definitely check out this post.

Grab Attention with Instagram

Another great way to start to grow your shop is by using Instagram. It is a great place to show off your shop.  It’s a very visual platform and this is great for handmade businesses!  

The Shopfiles gives some great strategies so you can start to use Instagram to attract.  Everyone wants plenty of customers for their products and Instagram is a great way to get people.

How to Make Etsy a Full Time Gig

Finally, if you want to make your handmade biz your full-time gig you’re going to need to know how to do it? Here’s a guide to creating a profitable Etsy shop that is tailored to the needs of your shop.

 Start making decisions for your shop that are exactly what it needs to grow. There is so much advice out there (look at all the resources I’m sharing), but the key is to learn to think about what your shop needs.  


Build a quality shop from the beginning. Taking amazing photos of your products that attract clients.  Learn where to find and how to market to ideal customers. Takes steps that bring you closer to working full time in your biz!


Need photo content for your blog or Instagram?  Need to be able to make your Etsy heading?  Grab the 20 free stock photos to get you started!

Happy learning!  Let me know what you think of the different resources!

Want to know the steps to taking quality Product Photos?

Grab the FREE email Course now!


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