Goal Setting in My Life & Business (July Goals Too)

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goal setting in my life and business

Goal setting in my life and business is one my favorite things to do.  Creating to do lists and getting to cross things off feels amazing. I believe with my whole heart dreaming up great big ideas and goals are awesome, but they mean absolutely nothing without action.  


I’ve created this new monthly series to help keep me accountable and to share what I’m working on and how I’m trying to grow, so maybe it can be helpful for you as well! I’ve talked a little bit about my process for setting yearly goals and focus, but this series is going to be about the month to month changes and pivots.


In the past I’ve used tools like Powersheets by Lara Casey, and other goal planners and I like the questions asked at the beginning, and the daily, monthly, weekly check-ins.  What I’ve found though is if I don’t have it digitally it gets lost in my stack of things. I also like to be able to have the list with me so I can get knock things out while waiting in lines or things like that.


What I’m Doing

I’m currently keeping track of my goals in Trello.  I have daily, weekly, and monthly task lists related to my goals on my weekly trello boards so I can check them off.  If you haven’t checked out Trello yet you should definitely do it! I’m just a little obsessed. I love having everything set up visually for me and I keep everything I need in one place!


My plan is to check in monthly on the blog about all the things I wanted to get done that month.  I’m going to weekly check-in on my own using trello and assessing how the week went. The biggest thing about this month will be figuring out time.  I’ve officially quit my job as a teacher and I’m just trying to make all my hours work.


My Goals

I’m going to follow the planning model for the 12 Week Year so my plans will run from July to September.  My 3 goals are to:

  1. Book 3 weddings
  2. Build a stronger body by exercising 5 days per week
  3. Add 1000 email subscribers to my list.


The Plan for July to Reach My Big Goals

My major focus for this month is going to be all the systems in my business and life.  There are so many things that help keep everything going, and I want to make sure I have it all documented.  One of the big things I want to look at is how my time and work production changes now that I’m at home!

Business Strategies

  1. Editorial Systems – I use trello for my calendar, but I just want to make sure that the whole process is a little bit more smoother and streamlined.  I think tweaking the workflow will help. I’m also going to start batch writing posts. I batch some tasks in my business, but it’s not usually on the schedule to do.
  2. Social Media Systems – This one is a hard one for me.  I get so caught doing other tasks that I don’t get posts up regularly.  I want to make sure I have a process that makes it easier to post more often.
  3. Automations – I want to look into using IFTT  better.  I use it currently to do some things, but I know it can do a little bit more than I actually have it doing.   My other goal is to see what I can do in Zapier  that I can’t in IFTT.

Life Strategies

  1. Re-establishing my morning routine.  I used to wake up every morning to get me stuff done but that dropped when life got too busy.
  2. Create a nighttime ritual I’ve struggled with going to bed lately and then every morning it’s harder to get up early like I want to so I’m hoping this will help get everything back on track.
  3. Reading 1 fun book and 2 biz books in July


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