How I’m Restarting My Business & How You Can Too

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Creative Business

How I'm Restarting My Business

It’s been quiet around the blog because so much has been happening and a ton has changed.  I wanted to share how I’m restarting my business after such a long break and what you could do too if you ever need to.  Life gets real sometimes and I’m giving myself grace for pausing, and strategy to get back to business. I’ve written a little bit about the goals I’ve set in my business for this quarter, but here’s the plan.

Why I Paused

I went back to teaching believing I could give my all to both my business and my students.  There was a great need for Special Education teachers at the school I had taught at, and I loved the idea of being able to continue to serve in that way as well as do work that feeds my soul through photos.  

I really believed doing it all was possible.

I know crazy talk!

The plan was literally to hustle all the time.

In reality it wasn’t a true plan. It’s not possible for me to be a great wife and mother, educate the youth, open a stock shop and give an elegant experience to everyone while still remaining healthy.  

When looking at my priorities my family will always be my highest value and if the choices I make meant less time for them I knew it just wasn’t working. I thought I wanted to be this insane hustle engine helping students who really need me and working with amazing couples and opening a stock photography shop, but it wasn’t smart for me as human.  

I had to make choices and pause certain aspects of my business.  

Keeping Busy but not Too Busy

While I knew I wanted to slow things down because of teaching, I also knew I couldn’t continue to try to do it all.  I worked on things on a much smaller scale so that I could finish the school year as a teacher.

Second Shooting

While I knew I had to pause some things, I couldn’t give up weddings, so I was able to second shoot weddings with two amazing photographers, and friends.  So grateful for all the work I get to do with Christine and Jenna. It has only made me a better photographer. I’ve further honed my style and craft. I was able to continue to do photography work that I love while not making myself crazy.

Palm Dreams Stock Photo Shop

I created this so I could continue to shoot more (I talk a little about it here), but with time being my biggest constraint I’m still working to update the shop with even more new content (more to come)!  The updated shop will have photo packs and not just single photos. If you want to get a taste of the shop you can check out the FREE stock photo pack. Be the first to get exclusive offers when the shop is updated!

Photo Education

Teaching and giving through education is a huge part of what I love to do, so I decided to add a teaching component to my business through the blog and education.  This way once I was no longer teaching in a school environment I didn’t have to give up that part of who I am. I help handmade & creative business owners figure out how to take amazing photos that reflect them and their business.  There’s a free email course to help creatives get started!

Refreshed My Website

This one was a big one for me.  My website did not reflect my business very well.  I could have just refreshed the photos, but I wanted to update the whole site to showcase the other new parts of my business as well.  I wanted to better show the educational pieces as well as the new stock shop. I also updated all of the copy on the site.

Enough about the journey Here’s my plan:

How I’m Restarting My Business

Some of these I’ve talked through in my goals for July, but here’s the plan all in one place ;) AND if you want to refer back to the plan and create your own brand restart get this awesome FREE trello template below!

Using My Editorial Calendar

I have a pretty full calendar for planned content so now I just need to finish by editing and putting it out into the world.  I organize it all in trello. The plan is to keep all my blog content organized in trello. I brainstorm, draft/outline, and get things started completely in trello.  When I start writing I use google docs and attach it to my trello card.

Consistently Use Social Media  

Now that’s just my fam and beautiful business to keep me busy I can totally devote the time I want to sharing and connecting with others.  One of my highest values is connection so being able to actually have actual conversations with people on social is one of my big goals. I’ll be checking in on my biz info day to see if I’m using social media regularly.

Streamline Client Communication

I’m spending a good amount of time looking at how communication flows in my business.  I want to make the process even easier for both my amazing couples and myself. I didn’t want any part of the process to be lengthy or confusing.  

Focus on 2 Social Platforms

Since I’m literally restarting or hitting refresh on business I don’t want to make the same mistake I made with putting too many commitments on my plate.  I’ve done the hustle crazy thing, and it wasn’t for me. It’s going to be all about Instagram and Facebook this first month back at it. I would definitely suggest the same thing for you.  You do not need to try to do it all!

Updated Systems

As I’m going through to get everything done I’ll be documenting and updating some of my systems.  Everything is being placed in trello so should I need a VA I can pass off duties with detailed info.  I’m still in the process of documenting all my workflows. All my workflows go in my business handbook board on trello.


I’m going to fully fleshed out how I’m using IFTT, zapier, hootsuite, etc.  All these systems will help create more time, so that I can work on other parts of my business even more.  It’s hard when getting started because it’s a lot of upfront work but it pays off in the end.

Biz Info Day

This is what I’m calling the day I check in on how these systems and updates were placed.  I created a weekly checklist to determine if I got everything done I set out to do for that week.  This will happen every week at the end so usually on Fridays. As they say what gets measured grows (I’m not sure who actually said it first, but I’ve heard it a lot and I think it’s accurate.

Now it’s your turn!  Get the FREE Template so you can do your own biz refresh.

FREE Trello Restart Project Template

Want to have the process all documented for you in one template?

Of course you do!

Get the Trello Project Template Refreshing Your Biz


  1. Jennifer says:

    I don’t see the Trello board but I would love to try it!?

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