How Tailwind Changed My Business and How You Can Get Started for Your Handmade Business

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How Tailwind Changed My Business and How You can Get Started for Your Handmade Business

Pinterest is completely the bomb dot com.  It increased the amount of traffic I had coming to my website quickly.  I made my Pinterest strategy even better by using Tailwind. Today I’m sharing how Tailwind changed my business and how you can can get started for your handmade business without wasting all of your hours on Pinterest.  


Who doesn’t want to gain back hours of time?!


How Tailwind Changed My Business

When people are looking for specific information they go to Pinterest.  I like to think of Pinterest as the search engine for people ready to take action!


You definitely want to be using it for your business.


I was using it, but it was time consuming.  When I pinned consistently it was taking me hours every week.   I didn’t have that kind of time for one activity! This meant I pinned sporadically.


My account suffered because of it.  I just couldn’t gain any real traction!


Tailwind was totally my solution to the problem.   


I gained back hours of time.  The scheduler gave me more freedom to work on other things. My website gained over 100% more traffic too!  All of this is a win.


How Tailwind Works


The time saving magic of tailwind comes from the scheduling feature.  It allows you to add pins from your website and from Pinterest, and the scheduler saves the pins to your boards at the most optimal times!  




So many Pin experts out there say pin anywhere from 20 to some saying 100 pins a day. Without a scheduler this is bananas!  Using Tailwind makes this easy! Personally I pin about 30 a day now but I started with 20. I definitely see how more pins can be better!



The other key feature is the ability to join tribes.  When you join a Tribe you meet other content creators and handmakers who are willing to share content that you’re sharing.  This will help your business gain even more traction and visibility. It tells Pinterest people like the content you’re creating!


How You Can Started with Tailwind for Your Handmade Business

First Get Your Pinterest Game in Order

If you want the start up guide for how to get started with Pinterest make sure you start here, but I’ll give you the quick overview.

The very first step to making sure you’re ready to use Tailwind is making sure your Pinterest game is on point.  You need to make sure that you’re completely optimizing your account and using it for a business. The key things you want to make sure are set are:


If you want more details about setting up Pinterest account head on over here.  There’s also the FREE checklist to optimize your pinterest account make sure you grab it below.


Setting Up Tailwind

Once you have Pinterest Business account you’re ready to get started with using Tailwind.  This is the best way to go about automating your Pinterest strategy. You can just spend 20-30 minutes a week on it and be done.


Register Account

You’ll want to start by opening an account with Tailwind.  The fastest way to set up your tailwind account would be to sign up with your Pinterest Account.  


Find Tribes Related to Your Biz

Tribes are part of the magic of Tailwind.  You can join tribes related to your product niche so that you share your content with them.  It’s a fantastic way to get your amazing content seen by more people.


Load Content

You’ll want to take all the great content you’ve been creating and load in the pinnable images.  You’re taking the time to create amazing products for your customers let them see it.


Load Content to Your Library

You can also find great content from other people on tailwind to share in your own Pinterest feed and boards.


Now you’re all set!  Find me on Pinterest and let me know how it’s going!


Make sure you get the FREE checklist to optimize your Pinterest account!

***Some affiliate links are present in this post.  I only share tools and resources I love and use in my own business

Optimize Your Pinterest Account

Want an account that attracts?

Make Sure Grab the Pinterest Checklist!

    I need it!


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