37 FREE Ways to Grow Your Handmade Business

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Handmade Biz, Creative Business

37 Free Ways to Grow Your Handmade Business

Planning and strategizing are some of my favorite things to do. I’m working on growing my business and I’ve come up with some ideas on how to gain momentum. Here are 37 free ways to grow your handmade business.

Biz Strategy

Have a Plan
Set Goals
Take Consistent Action
Track Progress
Create Systems
Review and Repeat

Build Your Brand

Know Your ICA (Ideal Customer Avatar)
Decide on the design and style of your brand
Create great product photos
Have amazing copywriting

Develop Your Own Platform

Have a website that showcases your products
Write a helpful blog for your niche
Grow an email list of loyal customers
Foster your own Facebook group

Gain Knowledge

Attend workshops or conferences about growing your business
Read great books that inspire you and help you learn to grow
Take an online course that furthers your knowledge (Like my starter FREE photo email course)

Grow Your Social Media

Post to your Facebook Page
Participate in Facebook Groups
Try a Facebook live where you share about your business
Pin to your Pinterest Account
Share on Instagram
Take people behind the scenes on Instagram Stories
Create a hashtag for your business
Make product videos for Youtube

Attend a Networking or Community Event

Join a local business group like Rising Tide Society
Join your local chamber of commerce

Develop Marketing Strategies

Do a giveaway with other amazing small businesses
Create a gift guide that includes your gorgeous products
Have a launch for your next product
Provide a gift for a local fundraiser
Share or highlight customers
Send thank you notes (snail mail if possible because how often does that happen)

Leverage Your Customers

Ask for testimonials and have your customers share what they loved
Request referrals if they loved your products

Be Authentic (I know it’s a word used to much but it’s true)

Share your story and the story behind your products
Share when you make mistakes (I’ve shared some of my struggle in growing my business, and what I’m doing to make changes)

Boom! There now you know everything you need to do.

Make sure to share below if there are any other ideas that will help!

If learning to take great product photos is on your list of to-dos make sure you grab the FREE email course below.



Do You Want Your Photos to feel completely Branded to Your Business?

Make sure you grab the FREE email course that will

help you take on brand photos every time!


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