Atlantis Play Center :: Cali Vaca 2015 Part 1

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Our family vacation this past summer was so much fun.  We all had the best time with family and friends and of course Disney.  I didn’t take nearly as many photos as I thought I would while I was there but I definitely got enough to share ;)  So on for next few dreary days I’m going to share a little bit of our summer.  One of the first days in Cali’s we took the kids to the Atlantis Play Center.

They had so much fun exploring that playground.  The slides were great and so much more interesting than normal slides.  My girl could have spent all her time on the dragon slide over and over again but my son just liked being able to run around near it.  He wanted nothing to do with going down the slide.

My kids really can’t get enough of running around.  If every day involves a whole lot of movement they’re happy campers and I get a whole lot of fun family action photos!  The play center had so much space and it wasn’t busy at all, which was so nice for us!  There was plenty of room for kids on the move.

The only part where we failed was we didn’t bring swimsuits to play in the water area.  Trust me it was an epic fail in our kids eyes.  Here are a few of the pictures of the kids and the play center.

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I’m breaking the vaca photos into parts.  This of course is part with other adventures to come.




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