Limiting beliefs and feeling stuck hold you back! Learn the 5 myths holding you back from learning to photograph your own products. This way you can move forward, and start getting eyes on your products!
#1 You’ll Never Photograph Your Products Like a Professional.
This might be a big idea holding you back. You truly believe photography isn’t your skill. You can’t take great product photos. Friend, everyone starts at the beginning. Also, even professional photographers didn’t know how to consistently take quality photos every time when they were starting, but through education and practice, you can totally get there.
The key is you can learn. I walk people through the beginning steps of building branded photos for their products in my FREE email course. Make sure you hop in it if you want to start learning today!
#2 Youtube Makes It Easy to Learn Everything!
Let’s be real yes Youtube is awesome for learning lots of things. It’s full of amazing tutorials. I really like to look up very specific issues that I’m trying to figure out. BUT for learning a process or knowing how to fully learn a skill it’s just not enough and it takes a whole lot of searching.
What you need is to be able to go step by step for learning how to do it. This just isn’t truly possible in this exact format in youtube, and it can take hours to just find videos that are useful and answer your questions. You want to be able to learn a full process. This exactly why I created the Photo Brand Collection! It takes you through the roadmap of how to photograph your own products with a quality brand.
Do not let this hold you back! Don’t get lost watching a ton of tutorials looking for answers. Just flow through the free email course. Jump in below.
#3 I Have to Have an Eye Photography
I hear this one all the time, “I just don’t have the eye photography!” Oh, friend this just isn’t true. You can learn the skills you need to create quality compositions for your product photos. You can learn the strategy behind great composition (how a photo is arranged)!
It’s not something only special people who have trained for forever know how to do. There are different concepts that you can learn such as the rule of thirds or leading lines, and they all help add to the quality of your photos.
#4 Photography is too Expensive to Figure Out
Maybe you’re already thinking photography is too expensive to tackle. Between buying equipment or expensive editing equipment you don’t even want to think about.
Here’s the thing though if you’re paying someone else to do it for you every time you create something new you will spend a lot more than investing time and resources into equipment and learning!
#5 I Don’t Have the Time to Learn Photography
You really don’t have the time to not learn. When you want a profitable business, you need quality product photos to attract customers! Also in order to stay profitable, you can’t spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on product photography. Learning to photograph your own products can be one of the best ways to get people to see the amazing products you have available.
Want beautiful Brand Photos of your Products?
Of course you do!
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